Partnerships and networks

Gekås belongs to a number of different networks. We believe that it is important to work with other companies across borders to find solutions to common issues and problems. We know that we are stronger together and with a common message.

Textiles Recycling

We launched our Textiles Recycling facility in conjunction with Human Bridge back in 2012. This is a recycling station where customers can deposit their unwanted clothing/textiles. Clothing/textiles that are brought to the Textiles Recycling facility are sorted by staff from Human Bridge, who choose which items can be sold in their second-hand shops and which should be donated to relief projects. All the revenue generated by Textiles Recycling will be used to collect medical equipment, which will then be sent to those parts of the world that are considered to be in greatest need. Find out more about the Textiles Recycling initiative>>

University project that led to Textiles Recycling
In 2010 the University of Borås started a project that aimed to increase our understanding of clothes waste and to develop solutions for reducing it. Part one of the study aimed to improve our understanding of how consumers think when they decide to throw clothes away. Part two of the study aimed to increase our understanding of how different stakeholders in a network see the issue of clothes waste and what they think about various innovative solutions. Part three of the study aimed to examine the process and the impact of a pilot in which customers would be given the opportunity to return their clothes. The study also aimed to propose IT solutions for a business of this type. It was this project that prompted us to launch our Textiles Recycling facility at Ullared, in partnership with Human Bridge.


Gekås has been a member of STWI (Sweden Textile Water Initiative) since the beginning of 2010. STWI is a project that involves companies in the leather and textile sector working together to increase their knowledge of water-related issues. The aim of the project is to produce guidelines that textile companies can follow in their work with their suppliers. The guidelines will cover water consumption, water purification, production technology, waste management and how legislation and governments can be influenced with regard to water-related issues. More info at


Chemicals Group
The Chemicals Group provides us with support and assistance around chemicals-related issues. The Chemicals Group aims to disseminate the most up-to-date information on chemicals-related and environmental issues to member companies. The Group aims to communicate legal requirements and other chemicals-related information in a user-friendly way so the information can be used in the companies’ day-to-day work with chemicals. The Chemicals Group meets regularly to disseminate experiences and knowledge around current chemicals-related issues in products and production.

Animal materials and animal protection issues
The Swedish Trade Federation is a member of the “Animal materials and animal protection issues” group. In this group we are working with other major players on the market to produce a joint policy for all materials that are derived from animals, such as, for example, leather, fur and wool.